Welcome to Scouts BSA Troop 259!


Based in the Greenhaven Pocket area of Sacramento, and chartered by St. Anthony Parish, Scouts BSA Troop 259 offers a year-round program teaching lifelong skills of leadership, good citizenship, and service to others. We're part of the Three Rivers District, in the Golden Empire Council. Over 180 of our scouts have earned the Eagle Scout rank, the highest rank attainable in the Scouting America program. We invite you to join us for an experience of a lifetime. Click the images below for more information, or email us for details.


If you're not quite old enough to join Scouts BSA Troop 259, we invite you to join Cub Scout Pack 259, also based in the Greenhaven Pocket area. Cub Scouting is for boys and girls in the First through Fifth Grades, or 7 to 10 years of age. Boys and girls who are older than 10, or who have completed the Fifth Grade are eligible to join Scouts BSA Troop 259.





What's Happening This Month (scroll down for more info)


Latest Troop News here.


Troop Meetings are held every Monday from 7-8pm at St. Anthony's Parish
February 22: Merit Badge Marathon

February 22-23: National Youth Leadership Training

February 24: Troop Meeting

March 3: Troop Meeting - Orienteering theme

March 10: Troop Meting - Orienteering theme

March 7-8: Klondike Derby at Marin Sierra

March 14-16: Camping at Lake Solano Park

March 17: Troop Meeting - Order of the Arrow Elections

March 24: Troop Meeting - Orienteering theme

March 31: Troop Meeting - Orienteering theme