Scouts BSA Troop 259

Slideshows and Videos


Welcome to Troop 259!


2020 Eagle Court of Honor - Journey to Eagle


Fall 2019 Court of Honor Slideshow


2018 Eagle Court of Honor


Spring 2017 Open House Slideshow


Troop 259's 50th Anniversary Party, 7/16/2016 - Produced by Eppy Ratner


Here's a slideshow of a few Troop activities during 2014-2015.


2013 Pack 259 Webelos II Slideshow. Several Webelos II scouts crossed over to
Troop 259 to continue their scouting journey.


A special presentation to Scoutmaster Bill Kirk, at the 2012 Fall Court of Honor.


Fall 2012 Court of Honor sees Boy Scouts earning several Merit Badges from
summer camp. Scouts also earned rank advancements.


Camp Marin Sierra, Summer 2012. Great fun, food, and an opportunity to earn several Merit Badges. Concludes with Troop 259's Flag Retirement Ceremony, accompanied by "Taps" performed by our Bugler, Abraham.


In April 2012, Troop 259 took the Tiburon ferry to Angel Island, to spend a weekend
of camping and exploring old missle batteries and other artifacts.


A Flag Retirement ceremony, in memory of the September 11, 2001 terrorist
attack on the United States. Scoutmaster Kirk presides.


Camp Winton, Summer 2011


Troop 259 and the VFW Post 8358 participate in Memorial Day ceremonies at the
Pioneer House, in 2011.